Mantled BEasts
Va'ji (Pronounced Va-Hee)
Creating a mantled beast
Mantled Beasts (Va'ji) are an open species that can be created by anyone as long as they follow the basic guidelines for design. These are mostly in place to keep the species recognizable as what they are! Creativity is encouraged! Above is a free base available to anyone!Note: "Mantled Beast" or "Beast" will be used to refer to them in general sections while "Va'ji" will be used to refer to them in lore.
The info on this site is still currently a work in progress and more info, art, and more will be added in time!
Core Features
Check out any of the tabs for more info! (These are still WIP! More info will be added in the future!)
These are features that are present on every Mantled Beast and is what keeps them recognizable!Anatomy
While Mantled Beasts can vary in different shapes, fat distribution, muscle mass, etc, their general anatomy stays similar to other Mantled Beasts.Visor
The visor, while removable, is a very important part of Va'ji society and it's what makes them Mantled Beasts.Chest Plate
The chest plate can have many uses depending on what each individual beasts needs it for. They can act as a battery for their other equipment or used as a form of self expression. Along with the visor, it is important to the Mantled Beasts design.Body Strips
Like the visor and chestplate, the body strips along the body are also used as a form of equipment / support and is another important part of Mantled Beast Society for work or self expression. These can vary plenty in shape and form / how they connect to one another.
Below is the standard Mantled Beast design! Your designs dont have to look exactly like this, It’s just a starting template to reference.
Mantled Beasts are fully organic creatures. While they use a lot of technology in their daily life, none of it is permanently attached and can be swapped out for different uses.The standard height for a mantled beast is around 6' including their ears.Mantled Beast designs can vary greatly but these variations shouldn't take away too much from their general anatomy. While creativity is highly encouraged, they should still remain fully recognizable as Mantled Beasts!
Mantled Beasts have a long narrow head with a slitted nose and narrow eyes. These features generally help keep dust and sand out of the Mantled Beasts eyes and nose as they are adapted to the sandy gusty dunes of Aegis.Mantled Beasts in generally do not have the best vision but are still able to operate and do basic tasks without their visors, most prefer to wear them since the technology helps improve their eyesight.
Behind the Mantle
This is a small reference to what the Mantled Beast would look like under the visor! This is mostly for reference and anatomy purposes.THEY WEAR THEIR VISORS! Mantled Beasts DO NOT go around without them for long periods of time as its an important part of their society! (like wearing clothes)
While these visors can be removed, they are a very important part of Mantled Beast society and they prefer to wear them most of their lives. Like most of their equipment, they're also used for fashion and individualistic expression.One of the larger purposes for visors on Aegis is to keep sand out of their eyes / faces to maximize visibility as their standard vision is already pretty poor.Visors also work as a computer like system that help with communication, identification, and other various technological advantages. Different visor types will have varying tech specifics but most common leisurely visors are fairly simple.
Visors at different angles
Visor types
Mantled Beasts generally have different types of visors for different purposes, but the most common one you'll see is a standard type visor that is mainly used for the individuals self expression. These standard visors tend to be more simple in design and may have different horn types, colours, functions, etc. These visors have tech in them that allow Mantled Beasts to perform simple tasks that help out in daily life or communication.Work visors tend to be more technical and are generally built for more specific purposes. These arent worn all the time by Mantled Beasts as they prefer to wear a standard visor outside of their work. These visors vary per job and may be more or less advanced than another. A space farer may have a technically more impressive visor than a librarian but they both serve their own unique purposes.
Examples of a technical and a standard visor design
chest plate
Along with the Mantled Beasts visors, their chest plate is also used for a variety of tasks. They're mainly used as a form of individual style and expression, but the chest plate is also commonly used as a battery-type source for other equipment the Beast is utilizing. Chest display shape can vary, doesn't have to be the default diamond.
body strips
Mantled Beasts commonly use various types of strips as support equipment whether it be to carry extra weight, items, or to produce extra light. These strips are highly customizable and are often used by Mantled Beasts out of their work field to show off different designs and colours.These strips are commonly located on the tail, the waist, the back, and occasionally the front. Not all have to be present, but Beasts tend to prefer having the tail and waist supported in daily life as it provides the opportunity to show their style or carry more items.These body strips are generally located in the same areas but are able to interlock and connect or disconnect in different ways. For example some Mantled beasts will have a strip that connects from the back of their visor fully down their tail / around their waist, while some may prefer to not use the back support and opt in for better tail or waist support. A back connection generally provides better weight support on the tail, but for lighter accessories and displays it may not be as important.
An example of different tail support usages
This section includes different lore tidbits and general info for the Mantled Beasts / Va'ji!These will all be updated slowly in the future!
General Info
Va’ji (pronounced Va-Hee), originate from the planet Aegis that sits on the edge of the habitable zone in their solar system, Bastion. Aegis is given light by their binary suns, Lux and Scintilla. Aegis itself was once a temperate lush world with vast forests and oceans. It is now but a phantom of its former self as aggressive desertification has taken over 70% of the once green plains, forests, and oceans. It leaves nothing but windswept sand dunes from the now growing desert. Life on Aegis found a way and adapted to the harsh environment that now faced them. A once thought doomed group of nomads arrived on Aegis during this deserted period, not only turning the planet into their home, but turning it into a stepping stone to explore the stars. Many Va'ji still inhabit Aegis, but the species itself is spread widely across the stars inhabiting many planets and adapting to the new conditions overtime. These adaptations create unique appearances, but are always still recognizable as Va'ji.
The Va’ji themselves can be described as a mostly tall, bi-pedial mammalian race with beast-like characteristics. Most of their facial features are hidden due to the fact that Va’ji wear a high-tech visor on the top half of their heads giving them the name “Mantled Beasts”. Mantled Beasts are their more common name, as it it also used between the Va'ji while inhabiting other planets. Va'ji live in small pockets of cities and towns all over Aegis wherever a steady supply of water and arable land is available.
This section includes different tidbits about Va'ji culture!
On the galactic stage, Va’ji are known for their curiosity towards the uncharted expanses of space, and are seen sending out many research teams which are responsible for discovering new planets and uncovering their secrets. The Va’ji, who generally remain neutral, are willing to openly trade with anyone that does not show hostility towards them. Due to this neutrality, Aegis itself will sometimes act as a negotiation platform for races in conflict.
All Va’ji as a community are provided with basic necessities such as housing and food. Generally it is enough to live off of, but most Va’ji work to sustain better quality of life. Although Va’ji are provided this resource, there are some that reject the comforts of modern civilization and stick to their nomadic roots, either it be on the dunes of Aegis or on worlds far from home. Va'ji have many fields of work such as farming, academics, and space exploration. While all work is highly valued and appreciated, the Va'ji elevate those who exceed in academics as advancements in society and technology are highly sought after.Va’ji generally have low birth rates, and as a result, Va’ji children are given priority care. Families typically comprise of one to two children.
The Va’ji are known to be a technocratic race where the most academic of their kind are given a seat in their council. They are given the responsibility to lead and innovate in their own field of study / industry. Anyone in Va’ji society has the chance to join this council as competitions for seats are ran every five years. These competitions allow individual Va’ji to present new inventions and theories, in which the best are selected for apprenticeships. Each Apprentice is assigned to an existing mentor in their respected field. The members of this council internally selects a figurehead known as “The Spark”, whose responsibility is to handle and manage foreign affairs and public appearances.
Va’ji are known for their love of food, and tend to lean on the spicier side of the spectrum. It isn't uncommon for other species to visit Aegis to try the Va'jis delectable and exotic foods. The Va'ji especially have a deep love for breads and pastries as they are easier to make in Aegis, resulting in many delicious varieties, be it savory or sweet.
Va'ji Specialties
A unique agricultural profession for some Va’ji is the collection and procurement of a rare mushroom species that grows only on Aegis. The mushrooms themselves are large and give off a dim blue bioluminescent glow with it becoming brighter when the mushrooms are together in large clusters. The mushrooms are typically found underground near a source of water such as an aquifer or underground river / stream.The mushroom's growth itself is considered quite interesting as it has learned to adapt to the desertification of Aegis. When the mushrooms spores come into contact with water, they begin to grow rapidly. This rapid growth moves the surrounding earth resulting in cavernous tunnel systems that slowly turns an area of deserted emptiness into a temporary oasis.While on the surface this may appear as a benefit to the ecosystem as a whole, it is in fact a sinister trap this species of mushroom utilizes. By creating this temporary oasis, the mushrooms are able to lure in its true source of nutrients, the local fauna, unaware and enticed by the thought of an easy meal. Once lured in, the mushroom colony releases a large cloud of toxic spores that puts larger animals into a deep sleep allowing the mushroom colony to slowly consume them. Smaller fauna are able to escape this lure, but in turn to the benefit of the mushrooms, spread the spores out once more into the desert by shaking it off their coats.Procurement of this fungal delicacy is typically done with a team of 4 equipped with specialized airtight and self sealing suits. An above ground team monitors and surveys the caves with recon drones.Local laws and regulations keep harvests to a limit to not disrupt the unique ecosystems that these mushrooms provide.Once processed these little delights are a base for many Va’ji culinary dishes, giving a unique rich umami flavour to stews and stir fries.
Work In Progress! Stay Tuned!
This section includes different information about Va'ji technology!
Aegiscite (Aegis – Cite), is a unique Organic material currently only found on the Planet Aegis. It can be found in three forms as either a gas, liquid, or a solid.Crystal Form
The solid crystal form of aegiscite is the most stable form of the material, the crystals come in many colors and are known to be warm to the touch. The crystal has the unique property of being very lightweight, durable, and stress resistant, and in turn, is perfect for the construction of buildings, vehicles, starships and other various items. Most importantly there are some high-quality crystals that act like a sentient computer that are used for Va’ji visors, ship AI’s, computers, and more. Much more study is needed to learn more about the unique properties of these crystals, but as for now, the solid form of the material shows great promise for the Va’ji.Gaseous Form
The gaseous form of Aegiscite, which can be found normally underground or sometimes be seen low on the open dunes of Aegis, can also be considered the propagation stage for aegiscite crystals to form. This stage is usually inert and harmless for people, usually only causing electrical interference with equipment without aegiscite tech already built in, although more aggressive Aegiscite gas storms should be avoided at all costs. It has been recorded that many of the anomalous rogue automatons come from these storms and their behaviors can range from benign to aggressive. Some field researchers who have been caught in such storms also tell tales of hearing voices or seeing hallucinations that linger over a long period of time even after months of storm exposure. At times, some researchers unfortunately go missing, without a trace.Liquid Form
The last state of Aegiscite is its liquid form, and the most volatile form of Aegiscite on the planet. This form is only found in the deepest parts of Aegis’s underground caverns, the liquid is chromatic in color with a low dim glow and an eerie humming noise can be heard near the pools. Little is known about This state of Aegiscite and is still being heavily researched.
Examples of Aegiscite in its most commonly used crystalized form. Colours vary.
Frequently asked Questions
These are questions that commonly pop up! If you have a question it may already be answered here!
Q: Does my Mantled Beast have to be lore-accurate?
A: No, its just there for fun! If you'd like to incorporate elements of the lore into your Mantled Beast feel free, but again, it is not necessary!
Q: Can My Mantled Beast look like X or Y?
A: Mantled Beasts are an open species! You’re allowed to add more limbs, wings, antennae, feathers, etc! The only ask is to keep the basic core features of the Mantled Beast and same general anatomy structure so it’s still recognizable as a Mantled Beast!
Q: Can I remove the visor on my Mantled Beast?
A: The visor is what makes the Mantled Beast a Mantled beast! They can be removed temporarily for changes and repairs, but Mantled Beasts wear them in daily life!
Q: Can I add prosthetics, robotic, glass, etc parts?
A: Yes! Again, creativity is encouraged!
Q: Can I remove [Core feature]?
A: The core features should be kept on the Mantled Beast, although, they can be altered to your liking! The reason for the core features is to keep the Mantled Beast recognizable as a Mantled Beast.
Q: Can I add more masculine / feminine features?
A: Although there is no set difference between female and male Mantled Beasts you’re 100% free to add any features you’d like to present as more masculine or feminine!
Q: Can my Mantled Beast have a feral form?
A: Mantled beasts do not have a feral form.They are considered like most other species out there in which their general structural anatomy stays the same, but can be slightly altered to the creators liking. Eg. Hooves, bigger arms, wings, tail variations, etc.
Q: Can my Mantled Beast be a hybrid of X Y or Z?
A: Mantled beasts can only resemble other common / real species, they cannot be hybritized with any fandom species, open or closed.
Mantled Beasts have a mascot! His name is Cloud!Cloud is generally a quiet but cheerful Mantled beast who enjoys spending their time with others!
If anyone decides to draw Cloud feel free to @MantledBeasts on Twitter or on Bluesky! We'd love to share it!
Cloud also has their own telegram sticker pack! Feel free to use it^^